
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Your face-to-face interview is a time to learn all you can about the company, while they learn about you. It is hard to remember that the hiring manager will be checking for potential red flags during the interview process. If you know what they are thinking, you will never have to worry that your actions or what you say is waving a red flag.
Here are 12 things to avoid:
- 1. Arriving late for the interview
- 2. Treating your staff dismissively or disrespectfully
- 3. Not wearing appropriate attire for the position
- 4. Meet and greet
- 5. Talking too much
- 6. Speaking negatively about past employers and experiences
- 7. Asking about money too soon
- 8. Showing up unprepared
- 9. Using inappropriate language
- 10. Being vague in her responses
- 11. Exhibiting poor body language
- 12. Not asking any questions
You can learn more about the interview process at https://six-second-resumes.com/

Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
A positive mindset is the best way to approach your interview. After you get your butterflies flying in formation, review your 7-step plan. 1. Have a theme 2. Know your strengths 3. Know any Red Flags 4. Know what they will ask 5. Know your value 6. Have an exit plan 7. Ask permission to follow up Think about typical questions you could expect to be asked in an interview. This starts with “can you tell me a little about yourself?” This is not an invitation to talk about the pony ride you got for your birthday in the third grade. It should be short and concise and end with how what you have done has prepared you for this new position. You should expect to be asked, “why should I hire you?” I asked that as one of the last questions when I was interviewing candidates for Costco. Those that knew what the position was about, gave the best answers. The key to success is having your ideas worked out ahead of time. Use the job posting to know what you should focus on. Think of your accomplishments and find STAR’s for to illustrate each example. Know your value in the market place and be ready to discuss salary. Be prepared when it’s time to wrap up and you're asked “what questions do you have for me?” This is your chance to shine. And don’t forget the value of a snail mail thank you card. It can really set you apart and get you in your new hire orientation sooner.

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
It never dawns on most people that they need a resume, until they neeed a resume. And then, the whole process gets rushed. If they use an on-line template, they may not be promoted to remember major accomplishments. And if they engage a professional, often times their main focus is getting it done so they can use it. Today I want to give you 17 reasons why you need a current, up=to-date resume. 1. Your employment situation can change in a minute 2. To avoid panic if you are laid-off or lose your job 3. To find a job, if you are un-employed, or under-employed 4. To remember all the major projects, you have worked on 5. To start your side job 6. Remain attractive to recruiters 7. Be ready when opportunity knocks 8. To get a raise 9. To connect with other professionals LI, digital resumes, Online portfolios) 10. To see what gaps in skills or abilities you may have 11. You may be considered for an award, be a guest speaker at an event, or seek a volunteer appointment 12. You are applying for an internal promotion 13. You are preparing for your annual review 14. You are a student looking for summer jobs 15. You are a student looking for an internship 16. You’ve been recommended for a position you didn’t apply to online and now they want you to interview 17. To confirm your self-worth Be sure to listen as I go through the list. Get the reasons behind why you always need a current, up to date resume. Learn how you can use it to further your career and to boost your confidence. Join our RSS feed and never miss an episode. Learn more about landing your dream job. Click Here https://six-second-resumes.com/get-101-job-winning-tips-free/

Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
It is easy to see your way towards your new job when the sky is clear, and things are going your way. But what happens when the fog rolls in? Do you have a plan, a roadmap to your next job that you can use when things are not as positive? My clients use a Six-Second Action Plan. This allows them to know what their next step is each day, each week. They can refer to it whenever they need to know the next step towards their new job. Their plans include deciding which of the 12 ways to land a job they will use. Then they decide how many hours each week they will devote to each activity. Once this is decided, then they schedule hours for “me time,” family time, and time with friends. The beauty of this is it takes the guilt out of the process. When you are doing job search activities, it is easy to feel guilty about not spending time with family. And when you are doing things with your family, it is easy to feel guilty that you are not job seeking. Scheduling each activity gives you permission to focus all your energy on a specific task, or family activity, or time for yourself. Write out your plan and refer to it when the clouds come in. It will keep you moving towards your next job and help you hear “you’re hired” sooner.

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Competition is fierce. Every day, 40,000 new resumes are being added to Monster.com. That’s 1,666 every hour and 27.7 each minute of the day. Many companies receive hundreds and frequently thousands of unsolicited resumes each week. Statistics show Google, for example, receives 1,500 per day. That’s a lot of competition. To create an attention-getting resume, you need to create more than a laundry list of responsibilities. You need to show your STAR’s. You present a situation, what you did to correct it, and how it turned out. How you did a job is more important then the job responsibilities. And this is what will make you stand out. I cover a checklist of potential issues to be aware of as you create your resume. This includes a clear targeted position and a summary section that helps you stand out. This is not a list of key skills. Thank you to everyone who has asked about my dog who was shot last year. At the end I give an update on Rikki. Resumes act on your behalf when you are not face to face with the hiring manager. Make sure it clearly showcases your accomplishments, is compelling, and makes the reader want to know more. This will help you land in your new hire orientation sooner.

Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Has this ever happened to you? You hear about a job and review the posting. The job description reads just like your resume. You have done everything that the company is looking for. Your references and your on-line presence confirm you are that person. You apply and get a call for an interview. The job seems destined to be yours! But something goes a little sideways during the actual interview and two weeks later you learn they hired someone else. What happened? Employers really are only looking for three things. The first two are what get you into their office for the interview. The third is what gets you the job. The Three C’s of Interviews are: 1. Capability 2. Character 3. Compatibility First, they want to know if you can do the job. Some major employers now use keyword software to sift through on-line applications looking for specific skills. Make sure you read the posting completely and include references to the exact skills being advertised. Second, employers want someone they can trust. Be sure to coach your references so they know what position you are applying for. Remind them of specific projects that you were involved in, so they have a positive story to tell about your abilities. And review your on-line presence. Know what an employer will see when they Google your name. The third C is the hardest to measure. Before the interview make sure you have done your homework about the company, the industry and the major players in the organization. As you enter the building, the office or the conference room, you must be observant. Look at the posters and pictures on the walls. How are the employees interacting? Are there clues you can pick up about the culture? Years ago, I had an interview for a management position. The Executive I was to speak with was seated at his desk. Behind him was a huge photo of a sailboat. I was the Commodore of our sailing team in college and had lived on a sailboat for a year between high school and college. It was very easy to find a mutual interest that showed the interviewer I was compatible. Conversely, at another company the poster behind the interviewer said, “we are going to have a sales contest, the winner gets to keep their job”. That was a very different kind of interview. In the end, you can feel confident that you have gotten past the first two C’s when they call you for an interview. Your job during the interview is to make them “C” you are fitting in. Do that and you will be sitting in a new hire orientation for your new job.

Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
What Statistics Can Tell Us About Your Job Search
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Welcome to Six-Second-Jobs Podcast. I am your host Joel Quass. Today we will spend some time talking about how to give them what they want, how they want it. Remember, in the end, it's not about you.
The Hiring Manager has a problem and they want you to be the answer to that problem. If they can hire you, they are the hero to their Boss, to their team, to the company.
So, in some ways, they are pre-disposed to want you to fill the job. Hiring you solves their problem. But you must make it easy for them and show them you meet or exceed what they need.
Here are some things statistics show about landing a job:
Statistics show that the average job seekers spend about 60 seconds deciding whether to apply for the position. 60 Seconds! We take longer than that reading a menu at a restaurant, and that is for one meal, not for a job that could last 4 to 30 years.
72% of Recruiters say applicants with 15 to 30 years of experience should typically list only the last 10 to 15 years on their resumes, and the make a brief reference to the prior experience,
75% of Hiring Managers say that a well-written cover letter can improve the odds of a less-qualified applicant obtaining an interview,
91% of Hiring Managers agree that applicants who do research on the company or the position they’re applying for will receive greater consideration than those who send a generic cover letter.
For more information on this and other job-related topics, visit us at http://www.six-second-resumes.com

Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Episode 1 - Six Seconds Jobs Introduction
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Six Second Jobs Podcast Episode 1 - Introduction
Welcome to Six Second Jobs Podcast. I am your host Joel Quass. In my first episode, I am going to give you an overview of my subject, which is landing a job. I will focus on four areas:
- Interviews
- Career Coaching
- Linked in Profiles
- Cover Letters
Ok, so I will focus on five areas. I will also talk about Six Second Resumes and other Self-Marketing Tools.
To land your dream job, there are only two things to work on. One is getting interviews, and two is getting job offers. Everything I will talk about relates in one way or another to these two goals.
I will share a little about my dog Rikki in every episode. She is a rescue beagle we adopted a year ago. She was shot in February, after getting out of our yard. She was dragging her leash because we were getting ready to go for a walk. (She’s alive and recovering after surgery)
I will talk a little about why I am Pod Casting. I spent over 35 years in management, sitting on the other side of the desk. I have read close to 5,000 resumes and applications and have hired thousands of employees. I
I just retired from 27 years as an Assistant General Manager for a big box retailer (not SAM’s) and want to give back. There have been so many people over the years that have mentored me, whether they knew it or not, and I want to pay it forward and help others.
I have written two books and I will spend some time discussing them as it relates to landing a job.
I will spend time talking about the Five Steps to Rapid Employment. As a career coach, I help clients become success conscious and take control of their future. We talk about:
- Learning How to Ride the Emotional Roller Coaster
- Defining Your Goal
- Using Value-Based Resumes and Self-Marketing Tools
- Creating a Six-Second-Action Plan™
- Taking Action and Mastering a Few Self-Marketing Skills
My intention is to invite guests onto my podcast, getting those with experience to share their perspectives on topics. And I look forward to feedback from you, the listener. Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and will focus my podcast where it will help the most people.
I’m looking forward to sharing what I know, to getting to know you, and to hearing that you will be sitting in your new hire orientation soon.
To your continued success,
P.S. Click here to visit my website Six-Second-Resumes